Arranging foreign and local lets for the property in order that the villa is operated as profitably as possible at a commission rate agreed by both parties.
Providing the owner on a regular basis with monthly accounts showing all income and expenses incurred as a result of the operation of the villa.
Providing the owner at such address copies of all letters confirming client’s reservations.
Making regular and careful inspections and checks of the villas and occupants to ensure that it is maintained at a high standard and to the standard and satisfaction of the owner, and that services are being provided to the guest in a good efficient manner and guests are comfortable.
Keeping an inventory to be checked from time to time to guard against pilferage or destruction of the property to the best of its ability.
Hiring and firing of staff and payment of their wages and outlining their duties and ensuring that they are carried out and having repairs and maintenance of the Villa carried out as may be necessary from time to time.

Visit the site of works as often as the Manager shall consider necessary and at least once per fortnight while work is in progress.
Report to the owner on the progress of the work on a regular basis sending photographs of the work in progress, as they consider necessary and expedient.
Advise the owner if an independent expert opinion on any factor affecting the work is required and the cost of the opinion.
Have fortnightly site meeting with the builder, architect, engineer and other persons involved in the works and advise the owner of the outcome of these meetings.
Providing the owner pays the necessary monies to the manager; to remit such monies from time to the builder, the architect such other persons as the owner may instruct in accordance with the payments schedule under the contracts or on the owners instructions and to keep proper accounts and records of all monies spent on the owners behalf.
Generally to advise the owner on the progress and performance of the builder and the architect in carrying out the works in accordance with the contracts.

Letter writing
Touch typing, preparing and collating reports
Scanning and sending documentation